The Best Catalyst of Creation is Good Friends
Good friends usually lead us in the right directions. They prefer only thoughts, words, and actions that benefit their lives and others. Whatever is right and appropriate they know how to do.
What does ‘Building good foundations for life’ mean?
This phrase means setting the main goal of life as good and positive, with stable foundations and an optimistic future for this life time and others
No. 7 is very hot
Why is No. 7 hot? Auntie Daeng answered this question in this article.
Qualifications of Good Children#1
Once parents realize the answers, they will have a standard with which to raise children
Social Disaster : Protection and Correction
Before inventing the measures to protect the society from the great disaster and to correct it, one must fathom the true root of the disaster
Associating with Bad Friends
Bad friends lead us to bad lives. And many bad lives lead to irresponsible behavior, and irresponsibility often ruins the ethical economy in our society.
Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King
The Bangkok Poll unveiled that Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King as the National Father Day.
The Heart of the Family#3
The way to practice self – control is to be alert and to train oneaelf without exception, by giving oneself more knowledge, ability, and goodness everyday
Fruits of Merit
This benefit takes effects very quickly. Once we do good things, our mind becomes purer. We do not have to wait until the next life, but it occurs in our mind instantly.
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- My brother has changed
An older brother was my hero...he was handsome, nice, and good at many things. One day he has changed....Why?